jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016
The 23rd of November 2016, took part the 2nd Technical conference about the state and perspectives of marine renewable energies in Spain "II Jornada sobre el estado actual y perspectivas de las energías renovables marinas en España" (JERME ’16), held in the E.T.S.I. Navales of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. This event was attended by companies of the business sector, both national and international, Spanish Maritime Cluster, professors and students of doctorate in renewable energies, heads of marine experience centers, researchers of tehcnological centers...
In the technical conference, Rotary wave's Naval Engineer Andrea Novás talked about the experience of the device Butterfly in the port of Pobla de Farnals, València: "Experiencias en el Mediterráneo para la obtención de energía eléctrica de las olas del mar". More info